Cherry Pick

Cherry picking is a Git command that allows you to apply the changes introduced by specific commits from one branch onto another branch. This is useful when you want to apply a particular change without merging the entire branch.

Use Cases

  • Selective Changes: When you want to bring specific features or bug fixes from one branch to another without merging all commits.
  • Hotfixes: You may need to apply a bug fix from a development branch directly to the master branch while keeping the other changes in the development branch.

How Cherry Picking Works

When you cherry pick a commit, Git will create a new commit that applies the changes made in the picked commit to your current branch.

graph TD;
    A[Original Commit]:::commit --> B[Original Branch]:::branch
    B --> C[Current Branch]:::branch
    B --> D[Cherry Picked Commit]:::commit

    classDef commit fill:#90ee90, stroke:#000, stroke-width:2px;
    classDef branch fill:#f08080, stroke:#000, stroke-width:2px;