
Squashing is a Git feature that allows you to combine multiple commits into a single commit. This is often used to create a cleaner project history before merging changes.

What is Squash?

Squashing combines two or more consecutive commits into one, which helps to simplify the commit history and makes it easier to understand the changes made.

How Squash Works

When you squash commits, Git will compress the selected commits into a single commit. You can do this using an interactive rebase.

graph TD;
    A[Commit A]:::commit --> B[Commit B]:::commit
    B --> C[Commit C]:::commit
    D[Master Branch]:::branch --> E[Commit D]:::commit
    E --> F[Commit E]:::commit

    B --> G[Start Squashing]:::action
    G --> H[Combined Commit]:::commit

    classDef commit fill:#90ee90, stroke:#000, stroke-width:2px;
    classDef branch fill:#f08080, stroke:#000, stroke-width:2px;
    classDef action fill:#ffcc00, stroke:#000, stroke-width:2px;

    linkStyle 0 stroke:#2ca02c,stroke-width:2px
    linkStyle 1 stroke:#2ca02c,stroke-width:2px
    linkStyle 2 stroke:#2ca02c,stroke-width:2px
    linkStyle 3 stroke:#2ca02c,stroke-width:2px
    linkStyle 4 stroke:#ff4500,stroke-width:2px

Example Squash

  1. Assume you have the following commits in your dev branch:
graph TD;
    M[Master]:::branch --> A[Commit A]:::commit
    A --> B[Commit B]:::commit
    B --> C[Commit C]:::commit
    A --> D[Commit D]:::commit

    classDef commit fill:#90ee90, stroke:#000, stroke-width:2px;
    classDef branch fill:#f08080, stroke:#000, stroke-width:2px;

    linkStyle 0 stroke:#2ca02c,stroke-width:2px
    linkStyle 1 stroke:#2ca02c,stroke-width:2px
    linkStyle 2 stroke:#2ca02c,stroke-width:2px
  1. To squash the last two commits into one, initiate an interactive rebase:
# Start interactive rebase for the last 3 commits
git rebase -i HEAD~3
  1. In the editor that opens, change the command for the last commit from pick to squash or s:
pick <commit-hash-A> Commit A
pick <commit-hash-B> Commit B
squash <commit-hash-C> Commit C
  1. After saving and exiting, Git will prompt you to edit the commit message for the new combined commit.


To perform a squash:

# Start an interactive rebase
git rebase -i HEAD~<number-of-commits>

For example:

# Squash the last 3 commits
git rebase -i HEAD~3


  • Squash: Combines multiple commits into a single commit for a cleaner history.
  • Commands: git rebase -i HEAD~<number>, followed by adjusting commit actions in the editor.