Arch Linux

Arch Linux is a Linux distribution, based on the KISS philosophy (Keep It Simple, Stupid). It is based on a rolling release upgrading system, and it is said to be kept up to date "on the bleeding edge".

I chose this distro because I can literally sew it on myself, every little config, every package, and this enhance my productivity (and gratifies the nerdiest part of my mind).

Imagine if you were able to build your own guitar. Being the one who choose the woods, the shape, the scale, and then continuing down, to the details that you would have overlooked if you had just bought it as it was. Then, you may focus on die-cast tuners, maybe a slick ebony fretboard, so that your fingers can slide faster. And why not, a neck-through-body construction, to give more sustain to the notes you play. Now it has the right weight and shape, the woods have the colors of your music, and you feel it is actually yours. An extension of your body and mind.

This is an example, of course; it could be a hammer, a trowel, a sword, or maybe a split ortholinear mechanical keyboard.

Will this take more time than using a tool that just works out of the box? Of course. Will it be worth it? This is up to you; it depends on your passion, your dedication and what you will have to sacrifice to achieve your goal.

Sometimes, I break things, but this is always teaching me to solve problems I get into, without surrendering to the inevitables.

Arch Linux took hours of sleep and wakefulness from me. It asked me a lot, but it also gave me back as much.