

In Python, numbers are divided into two main types: integers and floats (real numbers). These types are used for performing arithmetic operations and representing numerical values.

Key Concepts of Numbers in Python

  • Integers: Integers are whole numbers without a fractional component. They can be positive, negative, or zero.

    num1 = 10
    num2 = -5
    num3 = 0
    print(type(num1))  # Output: <class 'int'>
  • Floats: Floats represent real numbers and include a decimal point. They can be used to represent fractions or floating-point arithmetic.

    num1 = 3.14
    num2 = -0.001
    num3 = 2.0
    print(type(num1))  # Output: <class 'float'>
  • Type Conversion: You can convert between integers and floats using type conversion functions like int() and float().

    int_value = 7
    float_value = 3.14
    converted_float = float(int_value)  # 7.0
    converted_int = int(float_value)    # 3
  • Precision and Rounding: Floating-point numbers may have precision issues. Python provides the round() function to round floats to a specified number of decimal places.

    pi = 3.14159
    rounded_pi = round(pi, 2)  # 3.14
  • Complex Numbers: Python also supports complex numbers, which have a real and an imaginary part. They are defined with a j suffix for the imaginary part.

    complex_num = 4 + 5j
    real_part = complex_num.real   # 4.0
    imag_part = complex_num.imag   # 5.0
  • Mathematical Functions: Python's math module provides functions for more advanced mathematical operations.

    import math
    square_root = math.sqrt(16)   # 4.0
    power = math.pow(2, 3)        # 8.0
    log_value = math.log(100)     # 4.605170185988092
  • Special Numeric Values: Python has special constants such as inf (infinity) and NaN (not a number) for handling exceptional numeric cases.

    infinity = float('inf')
    nan_value = float('nan')
    print(infinity)  # inf
    print(nan_value) # nan