Assignment Operations
Basic Assignment
Simple Assignment (
): Assigns a value to a variable.x = 10
Compound Assignment Operators
Addition (
): Adds and assigns.x = 5 x += 3 # x = x + 3
Subtraction (
): Subtracts and assigns.x = 10 x -= 4 # x = x - 4
Multiplication (
): Multiplies and assigns.x = 7 x *= 2 # x = x * 2
Division (
): Divides and assigns.x = 20 x /= 4 # x = x / 4
Floor Division (
): Floor divides and assigns.x = 17 x //= 3 # x = x // 3
Modulus (
): Applies modulus and assigns.x = 14 x %= 5 # x = x % 5
Exponentiation (
): Exponentiates and assigns.x = 2 x **= 3 # x = x ** 3
Bitwise Operations:
- AND (
): Applies bitwise AND. - OR (
): Applies bitwise OR. - XOR (
): Applies bitwise XOR. - Left Shift (
): Shifts bits left. - Right Shift (
): Shifts bits right.
x = 8 x &= 3 # x = x & 3
- AND (
Assignment operations simplify updating variables through arithmetic, bitwise, and compound operations, improving code conciseness and readability.