
Integers are a fundamental data type in Python, representing whole numbers (both positive and negative) without any fractional component. They are widely used in programming for counting, indexing, and performing various arithmetic operations.

Integer Operations

  1. Arithmetic Operations:

    • Addition: Adds two integers.
      result = 5 + 3  # result is 8
    • Subtraction: Subtracts one integer from another.
      result = 5 - 3  # result is 2
    • Multiplication: Multiplies two integers.
      result = 5 * 3  # result is 15
    • Division: Divides one integer by another (results in a float).
      result = 5 / 2  # result is 2.5
    • Floor Division: Divides and returns the integer part of the quotient.
      result = 5 // 2  # result is 2
    • Modulus: Returns the remainder of the division.
      result = 5 % 2  # result is 1
    • Exponentiation: Raises one integer to the power of another.
      result = 5 ** 3  # result is 125
  2. Comparison Operations:

    • Equal: Checks if two integers are equal.
      result = (5 == 3)  # result is False
    • Not Equal: Checks if two integers are not equal.
      result = (5 != 3)  # result is True
    • Greater Than: Checks if one integer is greater than another.
      result = (5 > 3)  # result is True
    • Less Than: Checks if one integer is less than another.
      result = (5 < 3)  # result is False
    • Greater Than or Equal To: Checks if one integer is greater than or equal to another.
      result = (5 >= 3)  # result is True
    • Less Than or Equal To: Checks if one integer is less than or equal to another.
      result = (5 <= 3)  # result is False

Type Conversion

  • Converting to Integer: Use the int() function to convert a float or a string to an integer. If converting a float, it truncates the decimal part.

    result = int(3.7)   # result is 3
    result = int("5")   # result is 5
  • Converting to String: Use the str() function to convert an integer to a string.

    result = str(5)  # result is "5"

Working with Large Integers

Python's integers can handle arbitrarily large values, limited only by the available memory.

large_int = 123456789012345678901234567890